Shade Solutions by JK Studio Designs

Shade Solutions by JK Studio Designs
Providing The Creative Approach To Sun & Weather Control

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hurricane Protection With Architectural Beauty

Hurricane protection for the glass areas of two story homes can now be accomplished without having to choose between unsightly accordion or roll-down shutters that turn a home into a fortress. Sentry's stainless steel screens provide Miami-Dade and Florida Building Code rated products that simply have the appearance of standard window screens. The clean, uncluttered design of steel screens can be utilized for any shape window or doorway with optional swing out capability to allow windows to be cleaned or exited in an emergency. Gone are the days of preparing a home for a storm with panels to put up or turning every room into a dark cave with exterior aluminum shutters. Windows and doorways have protection from storms or forced entry 24/7 with the added advantage of 65% UV protection that helps keep energy costs down!


  1. Hi,

    A traditional style that is also eminently practical. An elegant window style that provides easy egress in case of emergency. The perfect solution for contemporary, outdoor living. Thanks a lot...

    Impact Windows

  2. Nice images. A lot of people use things like this here in FL.

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